18months – PreK
Click on the links below to download, fill out & return form

Our Mission: Our GraceKids Preschool ministry helps cultivate an environment for children to develop a knowledge of Christ. As preschoolers learn, grow and play, they come to a better understanding of who God is and how He is the center of our lives. Equally important is the development of each child’s social and cognitive skills which better enable them to adapt to a classroom setting. 

Curriculum: Teachers and staff design their classroom and lesson plans based on our GraceKids curriculum which is based on Biblical principles. Our handwriting program is called Handwriting Without Tears. We also use some additional resources to help us plan our activities. Classrooms are set up to emphasize the developmental needs of preschoolers including: dramatic play, construction, nature/science, music, art, prewriting, books/listening, and movement.  The children will enjoy a classroom setting that encourages exploration and involvement with teachers and peers.  Exciting activities, creative opportunities, and play create an environment that meets the unique needs of each child. 

Programs: We offer classes for children ages 18 months through PreK.  (Eighteen months, Twos, Threes & PreK)
Classes are Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
The classes will break down as follows:
  • Toddlers: 18 months by Aug 31st
  • Twos: 2 years old by August 31st
  • Threes: 3 years old by August 31st
  • Pre-K: 4 and 5 years old by August 31st


Tuition & Fees 2024/2025
   $100 Registration fee (annual per family)
   ***$50 Registration fee for returning students***
   $100 Supply fee (due by September)
   $300/monthly Tuition
   $255/monthly Tuition for 2nd sibling (discounted rate)

Other Items Needed

  • Vinyl Nap Mat (for 18months – 2s only)
  • Sack Lunch – each school day (no microwave items in lunches)
  • Backpack
Important Dates 2024/2025
Aug 22: Meet the Teacher
Aug 27: First Day of School
Oct 07-11: Fall Break (no school)
Nov 25-29: Thanksgiving break (no school) 
Dec 17: Last day of Fall semester (Christmas Break)  
Jan 09: First day of Spring semester   
Mar 10-14: Spring Break (no school)
May 20: Last day of school year
(We follow the MAGNOLIAISD for inclement weather days)

For more information contact

Trisha Leitzel, GraceKids Preschool Director

832-934-2900 or trisha@gpf.church or

Carrie Centilli, Children’s Minister at carrie@gpf.church